jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023

Observation 1º ESO. Colegio Sagrado Corazón

Today’s observation was at an English 1st ESO class given by English teacher Juan Sastre.  The main topic of this unit’s syllabus was Disney cartoons.

The first activity the teacher engaged the students in was a “read and listen to the text” each one on their own.

After they finished, he randomly asked the students vocabulary questions about the text to make sure they’d all assimilated the overall meaning of the text.  He would then ask the students to read one sentence each in order to cover not only the vocabulary but also the pronunciation.  One example of vocabulary was the expression 60’s to denote the decade of 1960 , and of pronunciation the correct -ed inflection when forming the past tense of a regular verb.

When any of the students showed any special difficulty or issues with the pronunciation, Juan would then help them with the correct pronunciation of more difficult words until they were able to repeat it accordingly.

He enhanced their pronunciation skills trying to elicit from students other words with similar ending or even of the same family.  That was the case of “future” that followed the same phonetics as “adventure, fixture, etc…”.

One other area he worked was synonyms of commonly known words.  The example was that of “big screen” with equivalents such as “cinema or movie theater”.

Once they were able to work around the information appropriately the class moved on the teacher now moved on and whenever the teacher pointed to one of the verbs the students were supposed to come up with the past tense (regular or irregular).

The next activity consisted in going over and exercised they’re already done where each of the sentences had a mistake and they had to correct it.  The teacher would go around the classroom helping the students that had difficulties.  Then they read the text again after having assimilated the pronunciation.

As the teacher has a reference of who’s done the exercise correctly through the MacMillan website he would then go ahead and ask every student who had difficulties how they could be helped or if they had any questions.

Oscar Javier Capilla

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